1. To be a perfect model you need to know that a model doesn't have feelings and basic needs. Its never hungry or thirsty and its never cold. First one is easy, isn't it?
2. Whats her\his is yours. Really, you can do with her\his hair, nails and body everything you want.
3. When your make up and hair is ready you have to walk all day long (till the show starts) like an idiot.
This is not the worse case.
4. Back to the hair and make up. During fashion weeks they change it as many times as many shows there are. Can you imagine somebody tearing your hair all day long and scrubbing your face to get the make up off, more than 2 times a day?
The hair baking.
Thats one of the procedures which is important to make you look amazing. It really works, but can you imagine having your head skin burned from all the hair dryers and hair straighteners?
5. Photographers. They are everywhere. Its not that I don't like them but during a show everybody gets naked all the time to change clothes. Isn't it convenient for them to take some shot of naked bodies? If you think that they are gay like most of the men in fashion business than you are wrong. Why shouldn't they take a look at some naked models?
One of the biggest problems, when you are shy than you can go home. Don't get me wrong but everybody is in a hurry so there is no time.
One thing I have to say and give my respect to is to Jakub Polanka. Of course he is an amazing designer but besides that, he is a great person. When we started changing for his show he asked all the camera guys and photographers to leave. Nobody usually does that. So thank you Kubicku!
6. All day long...waiting and waiting. The worse is waiting with your hair done and make up done. Besides the worse what can happen to you is when the Fashion tent isn't finished and its super cold there. Why do u thing everyone was sitting (laying) at the heater?
7. Back to you have to do everything what they want you to do. To wear super crazy high heels? Fantastic!
8. Food. Everyone think that models don't eat. So most probably there won't be any food, and if yes, prepare yourself for baguettes everyday.
9. I wonder that most of the top models don't end up like that.
10. I am sorry but I can't think of the last reason. To be honest its amazing to do that. But I just wanted to let you know for those who don't have the right height or don't have the right size, there is not much what you can miss!
As you could see this was mostly about fashion shows, shootings are a little different,
so maybe next time.
Vsem cesko-slovenskym ctenarkam se velice omlouvam, ale smolim tento clanek uz nekolik dnu a nejsem schopna ho prelozit do cestiny. Omlouvam se vam a pokud by vam to nejak rapidne vadilo prosim ozvete se. Je to hlavne pro vas!
Vase Nora
Photo: Nora Rajnoch Barnhart
Haha to mě pobavilo, ale souhlasím, musí to být šílený, ale neříkej že by si s tim teď jen tak skončila, i tak to musí být supr ne? :)
ReplyDeletePS fotografy na přehlídkách nenávidím, hnusný prasata - tak třeba na PFW a podobných českých událostech jsou vždycky nechutný pupkáči a ty fotky jsou stejně jak z nosu.
Hahah dekuji, tak jasne ze me to bavi, ale asi pujdu do castecneho duchodu :D Protoze me nebavi poslaochat ze jsem tlusta a tak podobne. No jo...fotografove jsou fotografove!
ReplyDeleteV minulosti jsem si třikrát vyslechla, jak jsem krásná ale tlustá a stačilo mi. :D:)
ReplyDeleteJinak, početla jsem si :) já chci být vizážistka, tak snad tam nebudu někde ležet na zemi s modelkama, já zas totiž budu v celodenním stresu a shonu ať mám všechny modelky hotové a ať na ten make-up dají celý den pozor :D uf, to jsem si dala
A s těma hnusnejma fotografama souhlasím a Adi. :DD
mne staci, ked mi raz za cas kadernicka vlasy susi alebo precesava...konec..:), ale skvely clanok!
ReplyDeleteZabte mě, jsem fotograf! :D Ale teď vážně, na PFW jsem shodou okolností fotil a do backstage jsem nešel ani jednou přesně z uvedenýho důvodu.. Gay sice nejsem, ale připadal bych si nehorázně trapně, chodit tam jako úchyláček s foťákem a cvakat. Maximálně pár cvaků na chaos, detail líčení, účes a hotovo. Ke kvalitě fotek z přehlídek musim říct, že jsem taky docela čuměl. Hlavně jeden kolega, kterej fotil s bleskem, mě tam opravdu dělal radost.. Nejvíc mě ale fascinujou paparazzi, který tam byli snad jen na focení VIP a "VIP" hostů, pak nemá být Blesk nejčtenějšíma novinama. :)